1.用户信息 2.图书信息表 3.图书借阅信息表
三、实现功能 - 1. 用户注册登录
- 2. 两种身份:管理员和读者
- 3. 读者能够注册自己的账号和密码还有填写自己的个人信息
- 4. 读者根据自己需求的借阅和归还图书
- 5. 管理员可以增、减、查、改等图书信息,修改用户信息待完善
1.登录页面 2.用户注册 3.个人信息表 4.用户归还图书
5.用户借阅书籍 6.用户检索书籍 7.管理员页面
1.注册页面(内容判断不在内) - try
- {
- //赋予sql字符串数据
- string strsql1 = "insert into yhxx (zh,mima) values ('" + Tet_zh.Text + "','" + Tet_mima.Text + "')";
- //创建字符串对象
- mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql1, myconn);
- mycom.ExecuteNonQuery();
- //关闭数据库
- myconn.Close();
- Response.Write("<script>alert('添加成功!!')</script>");
- //保存账号
- //str = Tet_zh.Text;
- //保存用户名
- Application["name"] = Tet_zh.Text;
- //如果成功了成功转入
- Response.Redirect("Useradd.aspx");
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Response.Write("<script>alert('用户已存在!!')</script>");
- }
2.个人信息页面(内容判断不在内) - protected void tianjia()
- {
- //添加用户信息
- try
- {
- //赋予sql字符串数据
- string strsql1 = "update yhxx set xm='"+Tet_xm.Text+"',xb='"+tet_xb.Text+"',qq='"+Tet_qq.Text+"',Email='"+Tet_email.Text+"',dizhi='"+tet_home.Text+"',enjioy='"+Tet_enjoy.Text+"' where zh='"+Application["name"]+"'";
- // 创建字符串对象
- mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql1, myconn);
- mycom.ExecuteNonQuery();
- //关闭数据库
- myconn.Close();
- Response.Write("<script>alert('添加成功!!')</script>");
- Response.Redirect("denglu.aspx");
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Response.Write("<script>alert('添加失败!!')</script>"+ex.Message.ToString());
- }
- }
3.登录页面(内容判断不在内) - //普通用户登录,管理员登录雷同
- try
- {
- string sql = "select * from yhxx where zh='"+Tet_zh.Text+"' and mima='"+Tet_mm.Text+"' and yhlb='"+tet_dz.Text+"'";
- //创建命令对象
- SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(sql,myconn);
- //创建读取对象
- SqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteReader();
- //成功弹出提示框
- //MessageBox.Show("读取成功!!");
- if (dr.Read())
- {
- dr.Close();
- myconn.Close();
- Application["name1"] = Tet_zh.Text;
- Response.Redirect("index.aspx");
- }
- else
- {
- Response.Write("<script>alert('用户名或密码有误!!')</script>");
- }
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Response.Write("<script>alert('登录失败!!')</script>");
- }
4.图书检索 - try
- {
- //打开数据库
- myconn.Open();
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Response.Write("<script>alert('数据库打开失败')</script>");
- }
- try
- {
- //创建数据字符串
- if (tet_name.Text == "")
- {
- Response.Write("<script>alert('名称不能为空!')</script>");
- }
- else
- {
- string strsql3 = "select BookID as 图书编号,BookName as 图书名称,"
- + "Booklb as 图书类别,Bookzz as 图书作者,Booklr as 图书内容,"
- + "Bookfm as 图书封面,Bookjg as 图书价格,Bookzt as 图书借阅状态 "
- + " from Bookxx where BookName='" + tet_name.Text + "'";
- mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql3, myconn);
- //打开数据库
- //myconn.Open();
- //
- myread = mycom.ExecuteReader();
- GridView1.DataSource = myread;
- GridView1.DataBind();
- GridView1.Visible = true;
- //关闭数据
- myread.Close();
- myconn.Close();
- }
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Response.Write("<script>alert('查询失败!')</script>" + ex.Message.ToString());
- }
5.图书借阅 - 1.先添加图书
- if (myread.Read())
- {
- if (tet_zt.Text == "0")
- {
- //添加借阅信息表
- myread.Close();
- string strsql5 = "insert into Bookjyxx (ISBookID,ISBookname,ISBookzt,ISname,ISid) " +
- " values (" + Tet_Bookid.Text + ",'" + tet_Name.Text + "'," + tet_zt.Text + ",'" + Tet_xm.Text + "'," + Tet_ID.Text + ")";
- mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql5, myconn);
- mycom.ExecuteNonQuery();
- //关闭
- myconn.Close();
- myread.Close();
- //
- xiugai();
- chaxun();
- }
- if (tet_zt.Text == "1")
- {
- Response.Write("<script>alert('该书正在借阅中')</script>");
- chaxun();
- }
- 2.再分别修改借阅状态
- //创建
- //先修改图书表状态信息
- string strsql7 = "update Bookxx set Bookzt='1' where BookID='" + Tet_Bookid.Text + "'";
- mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql7, myconn);
- myconn.Close();
- myconn.Open();
- mycom.ExecuteNonQuery();
- //再修改借阅状态表信息
- string strsql8 = "update Bookjyxx set ISBookzt='1' where ISBookID='" + Tet_Bookid.Text + "'";
- mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql8, myconn);
- mycom.ExecuteNonQuery();
- Response.Write("<script>alert('借阅成功!')</script>");
- //关闭
- myconn.Close();
6.图书归还 - //删除他的借阅图书信息
- string strsql3="delete from bookjyxx where ISid='"+Tet_id.Text+"'";
- mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql3, myconn);
- myconn.Open();
- mycom.ExecuteNonQuery();
- //
- //刷新信息
- //查询信息
- string strsql4= "select ISname as 借阅者,ISid as 借阅证号码,ISBookID as 借阅书籍编号,"
- + "ISBookname as 借阅数据名称,ISBookzt as 借阅状态,ISdate as借阅日期 from Bookjyxx where ISid='" + Tet_id.Text + "'";
- mydata = new SqlDataAdapter(strsql4, myconn);
- DataSet set = new DataSet();
- mydata.Fill(set);
- GridView1.DataSource = set.Tables[0];
- GridView1.DataBind();
- GridView1.Visible = true;
- //修改状态
- //先修改图书表状态信息
- string strsql7 = "update Bookxx set Bookzt='0' where BookID='" +tet_Bookid.Text+ "'";
- mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql7, myconn);
- mycom.ExecuteNonQuery();
- Response.Write("<script>alert('归还成功!')</script>");
- //关闭
- myconn.Close();
- set.Clear();
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